30 Ways to Be Kind in the Community without spending any money
Sure, we all want to be kind and do nice things for random strangers. But, we don’t want to always have to spend a lot of money. What if I told you that you don’t have to spend any money at all?
That’s right. Free is free is free. You can give back to the community, no matter what town, city, state or country you live in, and not have to give a dime of your hard earned cash or paper payment. Trust me I’ve done a lot of research, while building this certain level of confidence in bettering myself and becoming more of a humanitarian, all the while, saving my precious pennies as well.
Sure I’ve spent a few bucks here and there, paying for people’s coffee orders at a local Starbuck’s, or even paying for an older gentleman’s Grand Slam breakfast who was dining alone at Christmas at Denny’s. None of my past random acts of kindness hurt my pocketbook by much, but since the strain the pandemic had on the income that my friends and family, I decided to look into other ways to keep a kind heart in the community and not have to spend anything. To my surprise, it seemed to work better that way because the person receiving the kindness didn’t have to feel guilty or like they “owed” me anything.
Sometimes, the pressure and obligation to “pay it forward” when someone does it for you can seem a little raw, especially when some of us are still trying to financially recover from the 2020 hit. Check out my list of 30 ways that you can be kind to someone, whether it be a…